
Friday, December 11, 2015

मित ज्यु तपाईं कैले आउने ?

यो लेख पढ्न नेपाली फ्रन्ट Download गर्नुहोला !

उहा d]/f] ;fyL clg ldt klg . 
gaf]n]sf] xKtflbg e};s]5 .

Kfm];a's t d vf]nL/xG5' t/ Dof;]hdf uP/ ldt Ho' s] 5 tFkfOnfO eg]/ n]Vg] klg ;s]sf] 5}g . c:tL 3/ tL/ s] s;f] 5 eg]/ ;f]WbFf /fhgLltsf] g/fdf] uGw cfPkl5 d}n ldt :f+u ;+ut sd u/]sf] lyP .

cem bO{ xKtf cuf8L s'/f xf], ldtn] Pp6f k|;UfFdf cAf b]VfL dw];L geGg' eGg] afrfF u/fpg'ePsf] lyof] . d}n] To;/L jf]nfpFbf ldtsf] dg b'Vff]; eg]/ eg] d}n] s}No}F lrtfPsf] lyOg . Df PSnf] dflg; lyOg hf] ahf/df To:tf ;Ab e6e6fpy] . d]/f ;fyLx? /fddf]xg kfg k;n, dgf]x/ ls/fgf, x/Lnfn dL7fO{ ;a}nfO gfd k5fl8 dw];L hf]8]/ af]nfpy] . t/ dnfO{ cYf{sf] cy{sf] slxNo} x]Ssf ePg . 

Ps lbg /fddf]xgn] eGof], ;/ hL, d tkfOnfO efO{ elg lnG5' tkfO dnfO ca b]vL bfO eg]/ af]nfOnLg'xf]; . d}n] cf Û e} xfN5GfL, eg], w}/} s'/f ug{ rfxLg . t/ nut} cfˆg} d'vaf6 k'/fGf} AffSo bf]xf]/fP . 

d'v dnLgf] ef] p:sf] t/ d ga'em]sf] a'emSs8 em} u/] . clg yf]qf] afOssf] wjfF k'Ttfpb} af6f] ttfP .

Uof; ;sLPsf] dlxgf lbg e};sf] lyof] . s]lx lbg 3/j]l6sf] efG5fdf vfgf vfg] d}sf h'6\of] . l;t}df t d 3/j]l6gL lblb af6 ;dfrf/ / ;'emfj klg kfpy] t/ a:gfbf/ rfdnsf] eft vfg] hf]xf] eg]] k}nf] k6s ldn]sf] lyof] sf0fdf8fF} cfPkl5 . ;AhL klg eg]h:tf], Rofp, s] vf]H5; sfFgf cfvf] h:t} efF] . DfHhfn] ahfP . 

7NbfO{nfO nfO ufNfL ug{ yfn] kl5 xfdL PsfPs ghLs ePsf lyof} . DffVnf3/] a]; eGg] ePsf] lyof], sDtLdf b'v t glbg], k/]sf] a]nfdf ;xof]u ug{ cfkm}{ cfO{k'Ug] . Tf/ To:tf] d]rdfgL w]/} lbg l6s]g, Ps xKtfd} w/k]l6 / d cfugdf r'nf] nufpg] lgis{zdf k'uL;s]sf lyof} .

afOs ef]sfPsf] b'O{xKtf e};sf] lyof] . slx lbg dxªuf] bfdsf] t]n xfn] . uf]hLsf] bfd lj:tf/} l/TtLg yfn] kl5 s+G;L/Lsf /f} tft], s;/t ug{sf] sg} ljsNk /x]g eG7fg]/ 3/k]6Lsf] k'/fgf] ;fOsn dd{t u/]/ u'8fpg yfn] . km]/L sf7df8f}Fdf g]tf b]vL sd{rf/L ;Dd ;a} ;fOsn r9\g] s'/f rsf]{ lyof] To;tfsf .

dNffO{ km];asdf jsdkm';] ;dfrf/ k9\g, :6f6; /fVg, rNg], grNg] lrq cfˆGff] clg c?sf] leTtfdf 7f]:g lgs} dGf kYof{] . s]xL ;dfrf/ t ldtsf] km];a'ssf] eLTtfdf klg 7f]l;bLPsf] lyP . cTtL ePkl5 eLTtfn] klg ;xg 5f]8\of], s]xL 7f];Lg 5f8\of], l/;fP h:tf] uof]{ .

Ps lbg ldtn] dnfO eGg'ef]], tkfOF dnfO dg gkg]{ ;dfrf/ lsg vf]hL vf]hL ;]o/ ug{'x'G5, dnfO ldNg] klg slx ;o/ ug]{ ug{'xf]; . ldtn] km];a's emLTtfdf s]lx 7f]:g gldNg] agfPsf] ;'rgf klg ;Fu}] lbg'eof] .

ldtsf], / d/f] ;dfrf/sf] ;f]t klg kl/at{g e};s]sf] lyof] s]lx ;do Ptf . ldt d}n] k7g] ;dfrf/nfO{ an u/]/ ufnL ug{'x'GYof]{ km];a'sdf . d}n] eg] ldtn] k9\g] ;dfrf/ w]/} cuL g} xfO8 u/L;s]s] x'Gy] .

Ps k6s t]n gkfPsf] emf]sdf km;a'ssf] eLTtf vf]n]/ km]d leqsf sfnf em08f ePsf ;a}nfO esfes xfO8 u/] , slt x6fP, slt x6fpg ;sLg . leTTffsf sfnf lt km|]dx? kftnLg t kftlnP t/ x/fPgg\ dfg}sL eTtfsf cguLGtL km]|dx?nfO x6fpg dnfO ;Dea k|fo lyPg . t/ klg dg gk/]sf ;dfrf/ b]lvg s]xL 5f8]sf]df dnfO{ a8f xif{ lyof] .

Ps lbg ldt ;Fu} lrofF vfg] ;+of]u h'6\of] . lrof agfpg d}n] w]/} cwLg} dfVnf3/]] sfsfsf] k;ndf lah'nL af6 rNg] lsN6L sLg]sf] lyP . lrof kSof] bw gePsf] . aGbsf] df/df d}n] b'w sLGg 5fl8;s]sf] lyP . cfvL/ g]kfnLsf] ;Df:of lyof} Pp6}F, dg xg]] kF};f gxg], k};f xg] t/ aGb x'g] lsGg gkfOg] . d}n} g]tf b]vL ceLg]tf ;Af}nfO{ xf]n;]ndf ufnL u/], clg lrTt a'¤of], lrofsf] sk] lnP, ;'sL{ tfg] . ldtn] lrof lkpg'ef] t/ s]xL af]Ng] hd{sf] ug{'ePg . dg}sL Tof] lbg ldtsf] dfF}g a|Tf g} lyof] . k|fo gafNg] ldt sf]7fdf ePsf] gePsf] kTt} x'b}gYof] .

Pslbg ldtn] km];a's vf]Ng lgs} g} chL{ ug{'ePkl5 d}n] afn] n}gf] ufO{ a]r]/ lsgLlbPsf] Nofa6a 6a'ndf 6sf/], rfh{df 7f];], / kf;a8{ vf]lnlbP . d]/f] Nofj6a hf]/n] sGof], s/fof] . a'9f]eP/ s/fP h:tf], ldtn] eGGf'ef]] . cfkm'nfO{ eg] afn] a]r]sf] n}gf] ufO{ emnemnL ef], h;L{ ufO{ w]/} b'w lbg] . ldtn] cgnfOg kmf/d e/]em} km6fkm6 gfd Efg'{ef] kf;a8{ a'emfpg'ef]] . km];a's v'Nof], t/ plx k|m]d leqsf snf em08fx? lgSs} tn ;Dd b]lvP . /utn] 9fFsLPsf s]xL t:aL/x? eLTtfdf 6fF:fLPsf lyP, clg ;Fu} st} g]kfnLdf, t st}F lxGbLdf slx n]lvsf klg lyP,========d}n] k7\g] cfF6 u/Lg . ldtn] km6fkm6 km];asdf s]xL ;Gb]; 5f]8\g'ef]], cfGbf]ng lhGbfafb, kxf8L k'ln; d'bf{afb . dn} dgdg} ;f]r] k'ln; kxfl8 eP ldt / d r}F s] t . To; kl5 ldtn] km]/L dfp;sf] 8fF8L d';f{g'{ef] t/ t]tL d';f{b{]}ubf{ klg d eGg] dfG5]sf] t:aL/ st} bvfk/]g . kTtf] kfpg w]/}a]/ g} nfu]g sL  ldtn] km];a'sasf :6f6; x]g{ g;s]/, cfhLt eP/ Ans u/]sf w]/} dflg; dWo] d kgL P]6f ylkPsf] /x]5' . b'v nfUof] t/ s]lx gaf]nL a;] . Gfaf]Ng' g} pTtd 7fg] .

ldt ;w} d ;uF gd| af]Ng'x'GYof] . t/ lau|LPsf] las|d 6]Dkf] em} sf/fpg] afgL hf] dnfO k/]sf] lyof] . ldt d :f+u k|ltpTt/ ug{ lxrlsrfpg'x'GYof] . ldtsf] af]nL cfsf;jf0fL eGbf l56f] t/ /]l8of] eGbf s]xL l7nf] xGYof], emg slxn]sflx t/fO{sf] njh cfpFbf ef]hk'/L lkmNdsf] 8fO{nusf] ofbF lbnfpYof] . To;}n] xf]nf ;fyLx? slxn] sflx ldtnfO{ ef]hk'/L xL/f] eg]/ uLhfpy], dn} klg ykyfk uy]{ .

5fnfsf] /+u b'a}sf] ptL{s} u/f] eP klg dlg;x? ldtsf cufl8 kgf{;fy, 3/ ;f]wk'5 u/]/ 7]ufgf 7Dofpg wDd/w'; uy]{ k'ln;s} hfuL/ vfPsf] h:tf] . sf]xL ;Kt/Ldf kfg vfPsf], af/fdf 6fFuf r]7]sf] s'/f ;gfpy] t sf]xL nfx'/sf b'v, ;w} t5f8 d5f8 x'GYof]]{ s'/f;'gfpg . rf;f] cfGbf]ng s} lyof] . b]zsf] rf;f] sd t]nsf] w]/} . ;xfge'tLsf dnLg :j/afx]s afFsL ;do l5d]sLsf] ab\VafO{ ug{ d} laTYof] . xfdLn] o:tf s'/f ;'Gg, ;'g]/ p8fpg vKkL; eO;s]sf lyof} . ;'g]/kgL s] ug]{' ,stL ;Gg' . xfdL cfhLt e};s]sf lyof}F .

s'/f xfd|f] slt dLNg] slt gDfLNg] . dnfO{ ;rLg t]Gb'Ns/ dg kg,]{ t/ lxGbL lkmNd dg gkg]{, ldtnfO eg] ba} dg kg]{ . km]/L xfdL b'a}nfO{ zf?v vfg dg gkg]{, t/ :fndfg vfg dg kg]{ . crDd lyof] Tof] .

Ps lbg ldtsf] 3/df cfkt k/]5 . 

d]/L df lj/fd e}5g, ldtn] eGg'ef] . pg} lyOg h:n] हाम्रो ldt]/L nufOlbPsf] . 

dn} em6k6 ;fxfg'e'ltsf] dnd nufP, k/]sf] ;xof]u ug]{ cfZjf;g lbP .

ldtn] laxfg hgsk'/af6 va/ kfPsf] To;kl5 3/df :fDks{ x'g g;s]sf] s'/f ;'gfpg'ef] .

ldt 56k6fpg'eof], ?g'eof] . g d ?gg} ;s] . afF a'9fF e};s]sf], bfO{ ljb];LOPsf] s'/f ldtn] dnfO w]/} klxNf] ;'gfpg'ePsf] lyof] . 

kGrfotsfn b]vLg} cfGbf]gdf nfu]sf] ldtsf af g]tfhL sxnfpy] ufpdf kfl6{sf] ug]{dfGg]df} ky]{ . ldtnfO klg afn] kfl6{sf] ;b:otf lnOlbPsf lyP, a]nfdf sfd nfU5 eg]/ . 

ldt Affsf] 3/df af; s}nF} gx'g], emg cfhsfn kfl6{ km'6]kl5 sfo{stf{ l/hfpg ufpFufpF lx8\g k/]sf] s'/f dnfO{ lgs} k}lxnF} ldtn]] eGf]sf] ;Demgf eof] . 

c:ktfn kf] s;/L nu] xf]nfg . l5d]sL rfrf klg ;x/ lx8]sf eP cfdfsf] 56kl6d} k|f0f hfg] ef], ldtn] ?Fnf eFm} u/L eGGf'ef]] . 

;'Ss ;'Ss ub}{ lrg]sf ;a}sf] gDa/ kmf]gdf 8fOn ug"{ef] kfn}kfnf] . t/ s'g}klg  kmf]g p7]g .

emdSs ;fem k/L;s]sf] lyof] . dlng cgxf/ agfpb} ldt 3/hfg] of]hgf agfpb} ;fgf] ;'6s]; lgsNg'ef] , To; leq cfdfnfOF le|s'l6d08jdf lsg]sf] ;fFl8, afF nfO{ lsg]sf] /]agsf] r:df /fVg'ef]] . ;'6s];df tfNrf s:g'ef] . 

ufl8sf] nfuL rf/ kfFr 7fpFdf kmf]g u/] kl5 hgsk/ hfg] l;6 klg ldNof] .

rfrfsf] kmf]g cfof], dftfhL hgsk'/ c:ktfndf, ca:yf hl6n, t?Gt cfpg]========= 

d}n] t]tLg} s] ;'g]sf] lyP ldtsf] kmf]g sfl6of] . g]6js{sf] s/fdt, d}n] eg] . ldtsf cfvfF af6 em/]sf cf;' gfssf] Kjfy|faf6 en ag]/ em/]sf] d}n] b]v] . d}n] klg dg yfDg ;lsg, cfvfF /;Lnf eP .

Eff]nLlaxfg} ldt 3/lx8\g'ef]] . d}n] kmf]g}af6} ;'e ofqf 6sf/] . To;kl5 xfdf] Ps xKtf ;Dd s]lx s/fsfgL ePg . t/ kmf]g gu/L/xg g;lsg ef], ldtsf] lgof;|f] nfUof] . GfDa/ bafP kmf]gdf, kmf]g uof] . ;Dks{ x'g g;s]sf] s'/f kmf]gn] u¥of] t/ d}n] kmf]g 5f]l8g, 3G6L uof] 3]/} k6s . 

w}/} kl5 kmf]gaf6 cfjfh ;'lgof] . d}n] xTtkTt klxn} :j/df ;f]wLxfn] ldt tkfO{ s}n] cfpg]

kmf]gsf] dfG5]sf] cfjfh d}n] vfh]sf] dfG5]sf] eGbf s]xL v;|f] lyof] t/ :Kfi7 . d}n} unt dfG5] k/]5 EfG7fg] .

kmf]gdf cfs{} dfG5] afNof] . d]/f] gfd 7]ufgf ;a} ;f]w] kl5 kmf]gsf] dfG5]n] d}n] lsg kmf]g u/]sf] sf/0f ;f]Wof] . d}n] kagsdf/nfO vf]h]sf]  / p:sf] ldt ePsf] atfP, sf/0f hgfP To;kl5 kmf]gsf] dfG5]sf] cfjfhdf lgs} kl/jt{g cfof] .

oTtLs}df kmf]gsf] dfG5]sf] cfjfh rls{of], ==========kags'df/hL g]tfhL:f+u} df]rf{]sf] a}7df x'g'x'G5, sf7df8f}nfO{ 3'8f g6]sfP;Dd gkmls{g] s'/f 5 ,

 Gf]tfhL, c/] Û=======d}n} s]lx eGg' clwg} g} kmf]gsf] dfG5 x/fof] . kmf]g sfl6of]

afFsL bf];|f] v08df

Friday, December 6, 2013

Sensation of being in front of structural crisis in Greece

Hello Shiva? Did you like the place?
Yes of course, this place is nice.  Not like my place where I grew in.

What about the drawings in walls in streets, did you like it?
Of course not, I am scared of it.

Sebastian, a young guy who is a Movie maker from France, was asking what exactly I liked in Greece. There were plenty of things that I could have shared him. But I didn't. I was numb. I don't know why, I was a bit scared of crazy drawings on wall in the street, and people's sorrows of being unemployed and hopeless.

Greece, a small country in Balkan, is now suffering from terrible economic recession. The effect of recession can be felt in faces of Greek people, and even from these drawings in the streets. Young people in Greece, more than 40% of whom are unemployed, had families but not being able to support might have expressed their sorrows in the walls. I don’t know exactly what caused the recession. But I can assume that the recession may be because of down trend of capital flow in Greece. It clearly symbolizes the exiting economic structures are failing in Europe, and elsewhere.

In Greece, I was participating in the international people's health university course, happening in Aristotle University (AU). AU is in Thessaloniki; the second largest city in Greece. It can be reached by one hour flight from Athens.  This place was quite new for me, but the country itself was not. I had travelled to another part of country; Rhodes Island in September this year. Unlike the earlier destination of mine, in the mid of ocean more or less resembling to well off cities in Europe, this place was exactly the mirror of Greece, and the Europe nowadays in crisis.

I had very good time learning about how flourishing capital creates inequality between the people, and how business sectors can evolve and make profit of the poor capital situation in the country. This was a good learning for me.  Regarding the participants, they were from twenty countries in Europe, were just amazing. I had not met with such an inspiring and amazing people in my life.

I want to talk a bit about Greece, which is suffering from rampant privatization of public services like education, transportation, land and health. When I writing this blog I am still feeling uncomfortable writing why the country is so rich and people are so poor? Why its economy is one of the worst in Europe? What will happen to the people if their social welfare structure fails, and health sector sold to private sectors? 
Literally in seven days spent in Thessaloniki, I was bored of listing about drawn trend economy and struggles of people for their life in Greece and other places in Europe. Seeing this, I was thinking about my country. We never had developed so much as Greece did. Greece was doing so well before, it suddenly started failing. What will happen to us if our country fails; our economy goes down, and public services sold to the privates. May be I am too late to think about that, because we have already sold much of our public services to private. We no more have government presence in transportation; we are obliged to pay high travel fares. Education system is on hands of business men. You cannot pay the fee of your children education easily within your monthly earnings. As such medical education is one of the worst in Nepal. Low and lower middle class cannot think of paying the fee, rather compete with thousands other for few places in private teaching hospitals.  If you are from lower or middle class family background and you are Brahmin and Chhetri (ethnic groups) at the same time. Then you should leave seeing you studying engineering or medicine or working at public service.  Private hospitals are in hike in Nepal. Middle class and upper middle class seldom tries to utilize the services of public facilities. Writing this, I am pity of myself, I had never been to primary health care center though it is very near to my home town.

But we (Nepali) have learnt to be happy even in these worse conditions. Are we the happiest people in the world? Or Are we just adjusted to the environment and habituated to scarcity? We never had hopes for lots of things in life. For much of Nepalese population the biggest goals of life are managing Food+Clothes+Shelter+Families. We have been proud of sovereignty from thousands of years. We fought vigorously with East India Company, had paid the death of thousands of Gorkhas in first and second world war for survival of our families in Nepal. And we are still happy, our brave Gorkhas have been granted to shelter rest of their lives in the country where they were not born, and behaved as bread taker. We are never tired of being happy; many of people had their own land to work, had families with their parents and grandparents where they can share their problems, and had high Himalayas to glare when we are bored of life.

Whatever I saw in Greece might be the result of failing economic structures that we created, and we existed in. Nepal, suffering from mushrooming of private sectors, paralyzed bureaucracy and political crisis should not be near to the omens making Greece sick in crisis. May be this is the time where we, our politicians and policy makers can think of alternative ideas where people's government will provide welfare services to people. These ideas have always been criticized to be radical. Yes, it is it. We should dream of the public and economic structure; where the roles of private sectors will be limited; health, education, water, land will never be sold at private sectors. 

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Inside East Europe for Rhodes Youth Forum 2013

The preparation started very early in June, 2013. I think it was even before June. When I told Ryoma (a friend from Japan) about the annual youth forum in Rhodes, he quickly replied  to me; Lets go there. We prepared the project brief for applying to the Rhodes. In-fact I did nothing, Ryoma prepared everything. It was been a month we had applied to Rhodes Youth Forum, there had not been any news from them. When I was with my friend in Teaching Hostel, Suddenly; a mail came Pop off in my mail box. Your application is accepted. I made no delay in sharing this news to my face book community. But this could not last a long; my friend who had all preparation was not invited. There were some technical mistakes from the organizer. On a week, we both got invited to the Rhodes.

It was the month of June in 2013. I am sure it was 28th of June; one day before I was officially leaving Naulo Ghumti; I left Damauli. Damauli and Naulo Ghumti have special meaning in my life. I cannot stay longer in NG though I had committed I would work at least for two years.  At that time I was about to change my working location to Sindhupalchowk. It’s a place in Northeastern hills of Nepal. The vary place, where the people enters to Tibet (Tatopani Port). But due to many reasons; I don’t want to highlight now. I left yet again CDECF (an organization). I left that as well because I had an option. It was the time I was in the capital after one and half year. Everything had not been changed so much, but I felt like it grew older as I am.
Ryoma brought a flight ticket to me, and Youth Time (forum organizer) was to give me 500 Euros in Rhodes. I was very happy I will be in Europe for the first time. Many of my friends appreciated for this achievement. For almost two and half months I shared to everyone I was going Rhodes; because I was happy to get the chance to be there.

It was 27th of Morning. Though I had a rented a room outside I was sleeping in Hostel in Maharajgunj. I didn't remember exactly what time it was. But I must have gotten off early in the morning because my flight was in 9:35. In hurry, I prepared myself well. I went out find a taxi. Lokmani Jee; would you go with me to the airport? I asked Lokmani, because I need someone bad goodbye at the airport. We arrived at the airport at 6 O’ clock. I quickly went inside. I had a bit of negotiation in the Customs. They were not sure if I would be returning from Greece. I replied every question in English; so that he could believe I am not a man to hide, and he would believe I would be returning.

I took the first flight from Kathmandu to Doha. There in Doha, I found some friends from Nepal and India. I was happy to find some to accompany me to the Rhodes. The second was from Doha to Athens. In almost ten hours I was in Rhodes. We went quickly to the Hotel (La Marquise), and drop off the bags and went out to find the cheap hotels to stay for one night. I was with Shashank. He was a participant to the forum from India. We had the accommodation in the La Marquise starting only from 28.We stayed in the Gondola Family Hotel, which was very near to the beach. We went to beach in the morning, and had some unsuccessful attempts to swim.

The Two days forum was full of youths from different parts of the world. Majority were East Europeans. Very few were from Africa and Asia Pacific. The first day (28th) of the forum was formal opening. The opening was peculiar in the sense that it has some singing and dancing, and there were lots of wines to drink. I could not dance a lot. I would not forget that I was poor dancer there. Nevertheless I made a great attempt. I interacted with many young minds from Europe. They were there with interesting projects. Some were moderators of forthcoming sessions, and some were even journalist. The next two days were full of workshops, interactive sessions. We had our presentation in the first day of the workshop in the Media and Internet session. For the presentation, we (me and Rhyoma) woke up early in the morning. I was not stressed, but was little worried to finish off in time. Fortunately, we finished right in time. The jury, and I think everyone in the session appreciated our projects. There were fourteen presentations in the session in Media and Internet. We went out to the old town in the night. We made some walk to the streets around the old castle in the town, made some snaps of pictures. In the second day of forum was again with workshop, interesting sessions like “Life Mapping, Quiz etc.”, and others I could not remember because of my poor memory. 

The closing of the forum was on 29th in the evening. Many interesting projects won the prices, but we were not among them.  They were the projects in Kosovo, Russia and Nepal. The bus drove us to the Kallithea spring for the closing ceremony. This place was like i have seen in movies. It was much like a castle, decorated with light. I made the taste of different foods; including the Octopus and it wasn’t scary.
I am very happy that the trip to Rhodes gave me an opportunity to interact with so many interesting people and learn about their ideas. There were so many projects. Projects that deal with idea like Codex; I am Radio to resurrecting wooden churches in Russia. Every project was fascinating. Each one was with unique idea. I was like I was reading whole encyclopedia at a time. This visit was important to me; because there we were to discuss about the forthcoming activities in our Project “World Discussion Club”. We discussed and made some bullet points for future.

My first trip to Rhodes ended well. I must thank Youth Time for inviting me to the Rhodes, Ryoma and World Discussion Club for the support and encouragement. I am back with strong inspiration and vision for the future. Now, I am working to implement the vision to the ground.

Madhesh Yatra (मधेश यात्रा )

I am not writing this blog not just to remind myself what places i visited in my youth but also to let others know what it felt to be inside a typical village in Madhesh of western lowlands.

The journey started on 5th of October, 2013; as soon as I was back from Greece, where I stayed almost a week for for Rhodes Youth Forum. At that time I was involved with a research project on lymphatic Failariasis. This research project was to have the field level work in three districts of Nepal.  Survey on Dhading (one of the districts) had already been finished, and this was the second we planned before Dasain. I was very happy to found that everything for the field work was managed by my colleagues before I leave for the place. In the afternoon,I left Kathmandu happily.I need not to do anything, just i had to wait for my bus to leave for Taulihawa.

I get off the bus in Chauraha. It was 6 in the morning. This was first 6 o' clock in my watch  in last three months. I realized i had become lazy since I left Damauli.  I went straight to the Bus Park. There was not any bus to take me to Maharajgunj (the Field Station). Then hopelessly; i went to the nearby Rickshaw station, and asked a rickshaw puller to take me to Gauri Chowk. I was amazed; he said I had not hear such places here.  I thought the person may be new to this place, like i was there. Not knowing where i was; he took me to east of the bus station, and from there I took a bus to Bahadurganj. I suddenly realized something was wrong; when the bus conductor asked me to pay 157 rupees. Before my colleagues had told me not to pay more than 60 rupees. How could the price can be so high ? I could not find an answer. Being confused; i seated near to the driver in the cabin. I asked the driver how long it would take to reach Bahadurgunj. He told me it would take two and half hours to arrive Bahadurganj. By there, I still had to take half an hour trip on Jeep. I asked the driver from where was departed? I got a simple but a very strange answer. We came from Butwal Bus Park. I was like I was suddenly off the bridge. The whole mystery was that I got off the bus in Butwal, but I was supposed to got off in Taulihawa. I didn’t have imagined this could happen. I was petty of myself. I did not share this to anyone there in the bus. I was afraid they would fool me, that I didn’t like to be.

I arrived at Bahadurganj. This place was like what I had saw in Doha Airport. Girls wearing full sleeve black clothes (Burka). The eye was the only part of body I could saw of any girl. I took the opportunity to have journey together with these Begams. Unfortunately, I had to ride  on the Roof of the Jeep. Nevertheless, the travel was very pleasant.  Atmosphere was clean. The shining paddy field as far as the zenith was like a Heaven in middle-earth. I could not differentiate between presentations of heaven in typical fiction movies to the pace where I was passing by. I felt riding on the roof was better than being cooked inside in the jeep in hot weather. I did not make any delay to make a facebook post because I was able to check facebook up there.

"I am very happy to find a place called Maharajgunj in Kapilbastu district. Its calm,and is not polluted at all." Courtesy FaceBook 8 October (

Kamal Ranabhat, young man who had worked for years in health system of Nepal, was quick to recruit two Awadhi speaking persons to our work. Together they had already completed a quarter of  work. Accommodation was not bad. We stayed like a Home Stay. It was the house of Sweet Shop owner in the town. The work was troublesome. Working in hot weather, added by strange community environment  made the work difficult for me. We went to many houses for interviewing Elephentitis cases. I was somewhat confident before that I would easily negotiate with the people during the work. But, this was no longer true when I find people speaking in Awadhi. Only the young, who were very rare in the village, had good tongue on Hindi and Nepali. So, by then I got the insight to the difficulties one would have working in these places.

While the others were working in research, I was interested more to look deeper into the Madhesh. I interacted with people; especially with women about their traditions, cultures, and their rituals of marriage. I saw a fascinating scene of Madhesh. While I had heard of Hindus and Muslims fighting each other, the Hindus and Muslims there were so nearer and dearer to each other. There was festive environment all over the village. And this was the time of Newaratra. Everyone were fasting and, devoting their prayers to Goddess Durga. I was some what surprised. While they were having only the sweets and holy foods, fellows in my town was full stomach with meat. I felt very pity of sacrificing customs we had in our culture.

The streets were full of kinds. This may be because people still have large family size in Madhesh. Houses were as big as that I could make by combining three houses of my neighborhood. Girls were rare in the market, as if there were no girls in the village. Many of the houses were single storied, were not plastered either. Most of the houses had ponds. These ponds in villages provides source of water for round a year, and a perfect swimming pool for kids and she-buffalos. I really enjoyed seeing all this. What I missed the most in Madhesh, was the verity of dish I had in my launch in Kathmandu. In four days, I was almost fed up of eating rice and potatoes.  

I was not being wrong. I didn’t observe a bad response of people towards me and my friends. It was not because I stayed just for five days in Kapilbastu, and my experience to ground was little. In fact they were very simple and welcoming people. In found them like my friends in neighborhood. I was very happy to visit such a place while I was still a young.

The work ended happily. We bade good bye to the Mithai dai in the Sweet Shop, our fellow field workers, and to the old town. I was going home after three months. This was the longest time I was out of home. When I was to take the bus to Narayangad, I felt like the Dasain Fever started on me.

Some pictures of my travel.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Seven Days in Wonderland: A traveler’s tale of Africa

I had never imagined that I would have visited the most remarkable place on earth, pearls of Africa –the Cape Town. I was lucky to represent as a Nepali delegate from people’s health movement Nepal Students’ Circle (PHM-NSC). The vary occasion was the Third People’s Health Assembly which was a gathering of over seven hundreds activist from around the world to find a solution to erase the global persistence of poverty, illiteracy and ill health and to make their voice louder for a health for all.

From May to June, I was busy learning about justice, equity issues, social determinant of health, and moreover people’s health movement as part of my online People’s Health University Course. I made an active participation in the online stage which involved more than hundreds of activities around the world. I was lucky again to secure my place into three of the outstanding events happening in the Cape Town-International People’s Health University (IPHU), South African National Health Assembly (SANHA), and The Third People’s Health Assembly (PHA3) from 6-11 July, 2012.

There was a time, when I was in misery I could not have my visa on time. Because of that I could not attain the IPHU, SANHA. Still I was happy & cheerful enough to find my visa finally issued. Company with Prof. Dr. Arjun Karki, Prof. Dr. Kedar Baral, and Sandesh Karki from Patan Academy of health sciences (PAHS) made me more excited. We left KTM on 4th July. The four hours travel from Kathmandu to Doha, the capital of Qatar and an oasis of desert was an exciting trip as this was the first time I was flying.  Fourteen hours travel then to Cape Town-pearls of Africa increased my excitement even more, and dropped the tiredness. The six days conference passed like a minute. The conference was amazing, a big wow. I have never seen so many people of different race, color, speaking different tongue gathered in a single place. I was more interested to talk and make friendship with people from Africa and Latin America who where the most humble people I have ever met- perhaps I could not meet them again in my life. The conference started with blessings and a ritual ceremony from traditional shaman healers, this lead to the opening ceremony where many renowned faces from Africa and People’s Health Movement spoke about the importance of the gathering. Among the many influential-one of the speaker was the Health Minister of South Africa. Similarly the plenary, sub plenary, workshops, thematic sessions of other days were been wonderful. Because most of the sub-plenary and workshops were going parallel, I could only enjoy a few of it. On the fourth day of the conference, we had a meet among activist from South East Asia-Bangladesh, Srilanka, Nepal, Pakistan-this was a wonderful experience sharing PHM activities that we doing in Nepal. Being the youngest in the group never stopped me sharing our story of student’s activism for people’s health movement in Nepal.

The peculiarity and specialty of the vary conference was made stronger with folk songs sang by bands from South Africa, theater screening inspiring documentaries, different delicious dishes from Africa. Dishes with corns and lamb meat were my favorite but I could not let me to make a different taste of beef, neither the pork. I was really happy to find my company with Mr. Sandesh Karki, my neighbor next door in the hostel of University of Western Cape. Mr. Humble Mr.Joel Buenoventura -Public Health Officer from Philipines and Beautiful Ms. Ceri Averill from Oxfam GB, Wales, Uk, they were really kind and helpful to me. Beside the conference we went for shopping, bought gifts, travelled on rail and have first ever experience of MacDonalz in Capetown.

I am a busy man-I was busy there too. I worked as a rappourteur in two of the plenary and one workshop by Oxfam GB this made me to realize I worth documenting. I interacted with people from People’s Health Assembly organizing committee, the global secretariat who made the momentous gathering possible. PHM global secretariat has a fantastic team. Devid, Bridget, Hani, Anneleen, Claudio, Amit, Devid Legge where the people with whom I got the chance for interaction. They were humble people-in my interaction with Devid Legge I found that PHM secretariat was interested to explore the possibility of next IPHU in Nepal. The conference was running over in quick fashion but the participants were building resolution that will be the guiding for grassroots’ struggle for health. This resolutions culminated in Capetwon Call for Action-this is a document which represent the poorest of poor and voice of those who are looted by private profiteering health system in Developing as well as developed world and their pledge for universal access to health. The last day of the conference was not that I expected in South Africa. We went for a rally in the busy streets of Capetown. This rally, unlike the usually rallies made my organizations and Political parties in Nepal that I participated-was peaceful, colorful .The rally ended in-front of the parliament of South Africa where we handed over Capetwon Call for Action and shouted loud for “Health for All ”.

I made plenty of photo shoot during the trip. It was good experience to try more in photography.  This was my first ever experience in foreign land but I had never imagined my first trip abroad could have been to Africa. Now I have known better about the world-the gap between haves and haves not, and the struggle for health. 

If you want to know more about PHM-NSC ?

There still may be few of people who have not heard of people’s health movement, its fellow People’s Health Movement Nepal Students’ Circle. Though new, PHM-NSC is gaining popularity for its voluntary work to sensitize students, professionals about people’s health movement in Nepal. PHM-NSC is independent and concrete forum. The students who had already got repeated frustration while involved in other student’s circles in institute of medicine made a resolution to create their own space where they can talk about social determinants of health, issues of justice and equity, where there would be no need of pharmaceutics sponsored snacks and cocktails parties to attract students. This cohesive voice gave birth to PHM-NSC in the March of 2012.

The dream to make the world just and equitable where all have the right to basic minimum needs is the dream of all. It’s a dream of an activist who has been touched by people’s health movement. It’s the dream of you and me, young and old and requires the support from all regardless of their education level, age, color. The People’s Health Movement is a crusade for health for all. A lot of folks have been made about students’ interest, enthusiasm and power to bring social change, but nobody has given students chance to lead. Meanwhile, a unique effort was set forth by students of Nepal to establish PHM Nepal Students’ Circle, a coalition of students motivated by historical people’s health movement. The close inputs from Dr. Mathura Pd. Shrestha, Dr. Sharad Raj Onta and Dr. Mahesh Maskey-the legendary PHM activists from Nepal were been crucial to boost the students’ motivation for a visionary shape to the circle. First they started the circle with the group of dozen of students-Tara Ballav Adhikari, Hari Aryal, Pawan Acharya, Dushala Adhikari, Aditya Shakya, Shiva Raj Mishra and many others were the students committed to bringing PHM-NSC to life. Since it was a student circle, they thought of creative ideas to make students aware of PHM agendas and importance of the right to health for all. They started with a PHM Public Lecture from Prof. Dr. David Sanders to deliver his famous lecture in PHM-NSC. Now, they have developed PHM Theater, PHM Discussion Forum and PHM Alliance. They have organized an executive committee, steering council and have been planning to structure senior leadership circle to provide constructive comments and ideas and membership subscription is about begin. They welcome all those who have faith 
in justice and equity who advocate for free and universal access to health.

Some Snaps .

From 30,000 Feet high up in sky

Hostel of University of Western Cape where i stayed

Company with friends: Sandesh, Renzo, me and Joel from left
With a friend from Pakistan 
Rituals of Shaman Healers in PHA opening 

With Filipino Delegates 

Train Station at Capetown City Center

An African Cuisine 

African Folk  Song: ..........Like that of Bob Marley 

Snap with friends from Kenya and Ecuador from Left 
At the Entrance of Conference hall

During the Rally at Capetown
During the Rally at Capetown
During the Rally at Capetown
During the Rally at Capetown

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Bandipur Times: excitement in the hill top

Bandipur is a attractive touristic destination located fifteen kilometers southwest of Prithvi highway in the mid hills of Tanahun district. Because of its preserved old time cultural atmosphere, it has increasingly been coming to the attention of all.

The idea about Bandipur times rose quick a sudden when my pal Mr. Pratik Khanal who was working as Coordinator for district AIDS Coordination came to visit Tanahun. Then it was my responsibility to take him to some attractive places in Tanahun. I took him to have Café Latte-quite a famous among the youths in Tanahun, then we rode to Chhabdi Baharai-a famous religious place in Mahabharat range. Even after doing all these we were not satisfied -Dil mange more “we thought for Bandipur times.

It was 6:30 in the morning the day after “Still sleeping? I am already prepared” a strange but familiar voice came to wisher my ear. He was Pratik. I was so tired of the travel all the day before that I was in trance at that time. Then i dressed up quickly and went to check the whether I had fuel in bike to take him to Bandipur. “Why you are not wearing a muffler? It would be Dam* cold in the morning” I made a strong voice after I saw his naked neck. We rode on the bike at constant speed of forty kilometers per hour in Prithwi Highway.The morning cold was getting over me as I was neither wearing the gloves nor the mask. Perhaps, Chhabi Barahi saved me from the cold where we went the day before.

The fantastic part of this expedition was not only the bizarre ride that I made with my HeroHanda Splender-it was also exploration of my passion in photography which you can observe in the photographs that i Clicked.

I was happy talking with a foreigner in Café.  He was praising the vary place where we were visiting. He was visiting Nepal over the last thirty years. I felt proud because we had the gems in our country that attract the tourists like him over here. Bandipur was magnificent and peaceful, and the people were welcoming. We were observing old cultural houses in Bandipur-they were artistic and beautiful. We went to the Tundikhel- wide open ground in the hill top like it's twin brother of in Kathmandu- where we sat and had quickly two kilos of Orange Jhyam. We had then come to an end of our trip and were getting ourselves prepared for the return.

The first Saturday of 2013 made me really happy. The words in this Bandipur times may not be enough to explain this excitement.

                                            Some beautiful snaps from the trip.

Glimpse of the city 
With Pratik
Into the panorama 

View from the Hill top 
Glimpse of the city 
Glimpse of the city
Glimpse of city
Rode on the bike
Namaste ! see you again